
Monday, June 16, 2008

Dumpster Or XXX Stand?

On one evening when i was passing by Ricemill Road, something caught my attention. When i look carefully i saw one of the symbol is diffrent. Soooooo....... different!
The Original symbol can be seen on the left side.The modified version of the symbol on the right side. The bin still visible if you look carefully. When the time i saw it it didn't have the writings on it. The drawings looked like a wolf doing it with small girl which, says "Come Baby"! How creative are they to change the symbol. LOL.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Cars Stolen

This morning my friend Ian told me that his parent's proton car was stolen from Centerpoint last night around 10pm. At the police station while making reports the police told his parent that there are about 6-8 cars were also reported stolen on that same night.

Just recently my friend told me that someone got his Perdana car stolen too.

I was wondering that they were aiming at the easy to target cars like protons because of faulty, lousy or no alarms & many protons car in the market to sell the spare parts at cheaper price. Better profits for workshops too.

This is just one of the effects after price increase. Expecially crime rate increase.

This is what he wants say.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Petrol Price Up

On 4th June, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi announcing the price increase. The new price for petrol at the pump would be RM2.70 per litre (Up 78 sen or 40.6%) and diesel, RM2.58 per litre (Up RM1 or 63.3%).That night at Petronas Petrol Station are pack with cars rushing to buy fuel near Columbia Asia Hospital. I wonder if there is an emegency or ambulance wanna go to the hospital have to go detour.